Zhenke Wu

Principal Investigator

University of Michigan
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Zhenke Wu’s research involves the development of statistical methods that inform health decisions made by individuals. He is particularly interested in scalable Bayesian methods that integrate multiple sources of evidence, with a focus on hierarchical latent variable modeling. He also works on sequential decision making by developing new statistical tools for reinforcement learning and micro-randomized trials. He has developed methods to estimate the etiology of childhood pneumonia, cause-of-death distributions using verbal autopsy, autoantibody signatures for subsetting autoimmune disease patients, and to estimate time-varying causal effects of mobile prompts upon lagged physical, mental and behavioral health outcomes.

Zhenke has developed original methods and software that are now used by investigators from research institutes such as US CDC and Johns Hopkins, as well as site investigators from developing countries, e.g., Kenya, South Africa, Gambia, Mali, Zambia, Thailand and Bangladesh.

Zhenke completed a BS in Math at Fudan University and a PhD in Biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins University and then stayed at Hopkins for his postdoctoral training. Zhenke is currently an Associate Professor of Biostatistics at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a faculty affiliate in Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS). Zhenke serves as an Associate Editor for Annals of Applied Statistics, Biostatistics, Journal of Royal Statistical Society: Series A (JRSS-A) and a Statistical Consultant and Reviewer for New England Journal of Medicine - Artificial Intelligence (NEJM-AI).

When not thinking about Statistics, you can often find me playing basketball, running, rock climbing, hiking, downhill skiing, or doing short-distance triathlon.


Department of Biostatistics
University of Michigan
1415 Washington Heights
4626 SPH-I (within Suite 4600)
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Office Phone: +1-734-764-7067

Direction to my office: [.pdf]

Papers (partial)

1. Random Forest for Dynamic Risk Prediction of Recurrent Events: A Pseudo-Observation Approach. Abigail Loe, Susan Murray, Zhenke Wu (2025) ► Biostatistics [paper link] [pdf] [supplement]

2. Testing Stationarity and Change Point Detection in Reinforcement Learning. Mengbing Li, Chengchun Shi, Zhenke Wu, Piotr Fryzlewicz (2025) ► Annals of Statistics [paper link] [code]

3. Counterfactually Fair Reinforcement Learning via Sequential Data Preprocessing. Jitao Wang, Chengchun Shi, John Piette, Joshua Loftus, Donglin Zeng, Zhenke Wu (submitted) ► arXiv [paper link]

4. Improving outcomes for care partners of individuals with traumatic brain injury: Results for a mHealth randomized control trial of the CareQOL app. Noelle Carlozzi, Jonathan Troost, Srijan Sen, Sung Won Choi, Zhenke Wu, Jennifer Miner, Wendy Lombard, Christopher Graves, Angelle Sander (2025) ► Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation [paper link]

5. Multivariate Dynamic Mediation Analysis under a Reinforcement Learning Framework. Lan Luo*, Chengchun Shi*, Jitao Wang*, Zhenke Wu, Lexin Li (2024) ► Annals of Statistics [paper link]

6. Generating Synthetic Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data: A Review with Benchmarking. Xingran Chen, Zhenke Wu$^*$, Xu Shi, Hyunghoon Cho, Bhramar Mukherjee$^{**}$ (submitted) ► [paper link] [code]

7. Outcome Adaptive Propensity Score Methods for Handling Censoring and High-Dimensionality: Application to Insurance Claims. Jiacong Du, Youfei Yu, Min Zhang, Zhenke Wu, Andrew Ryan, Bhramar Mukherjee (2024) ► Statistical Methods in Medical Research. [paper link]

8. A Bayesian Approach to Modeling Variance of Intensive Longitudinal Biomarker Data as a Predictor of Health Outcomes. Mingyan Yu, Zhenke Wu, Margaret Hicken, Michael R Elliott (2024) ► Statistics in Medicine. [doi]

9. ddtlcm: An R package for overcoming weak separation in Bayesian latent class analysis via tree-regularization. Mengbing Li, Bolin Wu, Briana Stephenson, Zhenke Wu (2024) ► JOSS. [paper link] [code] [doi] [pdf]

10. Pediatric urinary tract infections caused by poultry-associated Escherichia coli. Maliha Aziz, Gregg Davis, Dan Park, Azza Idris, Sanjeev Sariya, Yashan Wang, Sara Zerbonne, Lora Nordstrom, Brett Weaver, Sally Statham, Timothy Johnson, Joseph Campos, Eduardo Castro-Nallar, Keith Crandall, Zhenke Wu, Cindy Liu, Roberta DeBiasi, Lance Price (2024) ► Microbiology Spectrum [doi]

11. Dynamic Statistical Inference in Massive Datastreams. Jingshen Wang, Lilun Du, Changliang Zou, Zhenke Wu (2024) ► Statistica Sinica. [paper link]

12. Geometry-driven Bayesian Inference for Ultrametric Covariance Matrices. Tsung-Hung Yao, Zhenke Wu, Karthik Bharath, Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani (submitted) ► [code] [pdf] [supplement]

13. Variance as a predictor of health outcomes:using subject-level trajectories and variability of sex hormones to predict body fat changes in peri- and post-menopausal women. Irena Chen, Zhenke Wu, Sioban D Harlow, Carrie A Karvonen-Gutierrez, Michelle M Hood, Michael R Elliott (2023) ► Annals of Applied Statistics (Accepted). [paper link] [pdf] [supplement]

14. Tree-informed Bayesian multi-source domain adaptation: cross-population probabilistic cause-of-death assignment using verbal autopsy. Zhenke Wu, Zehang Li, Irena Chen, Mengbing Li (2023) ► Biostatistics. [paper link] [code] [supplement] [slides]

15. Etiology of acute lower respiratory illness hospitalizations among infants in four countries. John Kubale*, Stephanie Kujawski*, Irena Chen, Zhenke Wu, Ilham Abu Khader, Iris Hasibra, Brett Whitaker, Lionel Gresh, Artan Simaku, Eric A.F. Simões, Mahmoud Al-Gazo, Shannon Rogers, Susan I. Gerber, Angel Balmaseda, Veronica L. Tallo, Tareq M. Al-Sanouri, Rachael Porter, Silvia Bino, Eduardo Azziz-Baumgartner, Meredith McMorrow, Danielle Hunt, Mark Thompson, Holly M. Biggs, Aubree Gordon (2023) ► Open Forum Infectious Diseases. [doi]

16. Bayesian Nested Latent Class Models for Cause-of-Death Assignment using Verbal Autopsies Across Multiple Domains. Richard Zehang Li, Zhenke Wu, Irena Chen, Samuel Clark (2023) ► Annals of Applied Statistics. [paper link] [code]

17. Does the Dosing of Mobile-based Just-in-Time-Adaptive Self-Management Prompts Matter? Preliminary Findings from a Pilot Micro-Randomized Study for Caregivers. Jitao Wang, Zhenke Wu, Sung Won Choi, Srijan Sen, Xinghui Yan, Jennifer Miner, Angelle Sander, Angela Lyden, Johnathan Troost, Noelle Carlozzi (2023) ► JMIR Formative Research [paper link]

18. Incorporating Auxiliary Variables to Improve the Efficiency of Time-Varying Treatment Effect Estimation. Jieru Shi, Zhenke Wu, Walter Dempsey (submitted) ► arXiv [paper link]

19. A joint modeling approach to study the association between subject-level longitudinal marker variabilities and repeated outcomes. Irena Chen, Zhenke Wu, Sioban D Harlow, Carrie A Karvonen-Gutierrez, Michelle M Hood, Michael R Elliott (submitted) ► [pdf]

20. Tree-Regularized Bayesian Latent Class Analysis for Improving Weakly Separated Dietary Pattern Subtyping in Small-Sized Subpopulations. Mengbing Li, Briana Stephenson, Zhenke Wu (submitted) ► [paper link] [code]

21. An Automatically-Adaptive Digital Health Intervention to Decrease Opioid-Related Risk While Conserving Counselor Time: Analysis of Treatment Decisions Based on Artificial Intelligence and Patient-Reported Risk Measures. John D Piette, Laura Thomas, Sean Newman, Nicolle Marinec, Joel Krauss, Jenny Chen, Zhenke Wu, Amy SB Bohnert (2023) ► Journal of Medical Internet Research. In press

22. A Reinforcement Learning Framework for Dynamic Mediation Analysis. Lin Ge, Jitao Wang, Chengchun Shi, Zhenke Wu, Rui Song (2023) ► ICML [paper link] [code]

23. A Robust Test for the Stationarity Assumption in Sequential Decision Making. Jitao Wang, Chengchun Shi, Zhenke Wu (2023) ► ICML [paper link] [code] [pdf]

24. Bayesian Active Questionnaire Design for Cause-of-Death Assignment Using Verbal Autopsies. Toshiya Yoshida, Trinity Shuxian Fan, Tyler McCormick, Zhenke Wu, Zehang Richard Li (2023) ► Accepted. Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL) [paper link]

25. Feasibility pilot trial for the Trajectories of Recovery after Intravenous propofol versus inhaled VolatilE anesthesia (THRIVE) Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Bethany Tellor Pennington, Douglas A. Colquhoun, Mark D. Neuman, Mary C Politi, Allison Janda, Cathie Spino, Zhenke Wu, Steven Thelen-Perry, Sathish S. Kumar, Stephen H. Gregory, Michael S. Avidan, Sachin Kheterpal, for the THRIVE research group (2023) ► BMJ Open. Accepted

26. Using source-associated mobile genetic elements to identify zoonotic extraintestinal E. coli infections. Cindy Liu, Maliha Aziz, Daniel Park, Zhenke Wu, Marc Stegger, Mengbing Li, Yashan Wang, Kara Schmidlin, Timothy Johnson, Benjamin Koch, Bruce Hungate, Lora Nordstrom, Lori Gauld, Brett Weaver, Diana Rolland, Sally Statham, Brantley Hall, Sanjeev Sariya, Gregg Davis, Paul Keim, James Johnson, Lance Price (2023) ► One Health. [paper link] [doi]

27. Layperson-Facilitated Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Homebound Older Adults with Depression: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Jay Kayser, Xu Wang, Zhenke Wu, Asha Dimoji, Xiaoling Xiang (2023) ► JMIR Research Protocol [paper link] [doi]

28. Estimating Time-Varying Direct and Indirect Causal Excursion Effects with Longitudinal Binary Outcomes. Jieru Shi, Zhenke Wu, Walter Dempsey (submitted) ► [paper link]

29. Doubly Inhomogeneous Reinforcement Learning. Liyuan Hu*, Mengbing Li*, Chengchun Shi, Zhenke Wu, Piotr Fryzlewicz (submitted) ► [paper link] [code]

30. A Caveat to Using Wearable Sensor Data for COVID-19 Detection: The Role of Behavioral Change after Receipt of Test Results. Jennifer Cleary, Yu Fang, Srijan Sen, Zhenke Wu (2022) ► PLOS ONE. [paper link] [doi]

31. Dynamic Survival Transformers for Causal Inference with Electronic Health Records. Prayag Chatha, Yixin Wang, Zhenke Wu, Jeffrey Regier (2022) ► NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Learning from Time Series for Health [paper link]

32. Assessing Time-Varying Causal Effect Moderation in the Presence of Cluster-Level Treatment Effect Heterogeneity and Interference. Jieru Shi, Zhenke Wu, Walter Dempsey (2022) ► Biometrika. [paper link] [code] [doi]

33. Using machine learning with intensive longitudinal data to predict depression and suicidal ideation among medical interns over time. Adam Horwitz, Shane Kentopp, Jennifer Cleary, Katherine Ross, Zhenke Wu, Srijan Sen, Ewa K. Czyz (2022) ► Psychological Medicine. [paper link] [doi]

34. Probabilistic Learning of Treatment Trees in Cancer. Tsung-Hung Yao, Zhenke Wu, Karthik Bharath, Jinju Li, Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani (2022) ► Annals of Applied Statistics. [paper link] [code] [pdf] [supplement]

35. Kernel Multimodal Continuous Attention. Alexander Moreno, Zhenke Wu, Supriya Nagesh, Walter Dempsey, James Rehg (2022) ► NeurIPS [paper link] [pdf] [supplement]

36. Effectiveness of gamified competition in the context of mHealth intervention for medical interns: a clustered micro-randomized trial. Jitao Wang, Yu Fang, Elena Frank, Maureen Walton, Margit Burmeister, Ambuj Tewari, Walter Dempsey, Timothy NeCamp, Srijan Sen, Zhenke Wu (2022) ► npj Digital Medicine. [paper link]

37. An App-Based Just-in-Time-Adaptive Self-Management Intervention for Care Partners: The CareQOL Feasibility Pilot Study. Noelle Carlozzi, Sung Won Choi, Zhenke Wu, Jonathan Troost, Angela Lyden, Jennifer Miner, Christopher Graves, Jitao Wang, Xinghui Yan, Srijan Sen (2022) ► Rehabilitation Psychology

38. Parental preferences for STI and cancer vaccines in the US and in China. Abram L. Wagner, Yihan Lu, Cara B. Janusz, Brian Glover, Zhenke Wu, Lisa A. Prosser (2022) ► Value in Health

39. Weakly-supervised Multi-output Regression via Correlated Gaussian Processes. Seokhyun Chung, Raed Al Kontar, Zhenke Wu (2022) ► INFORMS Journal on Data Science. [paper link] [doi]

40. Improving outcomes for care partners of persons with traumatic brain injury: Protocol for a randomized control trial of a just-in-time-adaptive self-management intervention. Noelle Carlozzi, Angelle Sander, Sung Won Choi, Zhenke Wu, Jennifer Miner, Angela Lyden, Christopher Graves, Srijan Sen (2022) ► PLOS ONE [doi]

41. baker: An R package for Nested Partially-Latent Class Models. Irena Chen, Qiyuan Shi, Scott Zeger, Zhenke Wu (submitted) ► [paper link] [code] [pdf]

42. Vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic: a latent class analysis of middle-aged and older US adults. Abram L. Wagner, Julia M. Porth, Zhenke Wu, Matthew L. Boulton, Jessica M. Finlay, Lindsay C. Kobayashi (2022) ► Journal of Community Health. [paper link] [doi]

43. Factors associated with inferior vena cava placement and retrieval for patients with cancer associated thrombosis. Subhash Edupuganti, Mengbing Li, Zhenke Wu, Tanima Basu, Geoffrey Barnes, Marc Carrier, Suman Sood, Jennifer Griggs, Jordan Schaefer (2021) ► The American Journal of Medicine. [paper link] [doi]

44. Integrating Sample Similarities into Latent Class Analysis: A Tree-Structured Shrinkage Approach. Mengbing Li, Daniel Park, Maliha Aziz, Cindy M Liu, Lance Price, Zhenke Wu (2021) ► Biometrics. In press. [paper link] [code] [pdf] [supplement]

45. Acceptability and feasibility of an app-based just-in-time-adaptive self-management intervention for care partners: Protocol for the CareQOL pilot trial. Noelle Carlozzi, Sung Won Choi, Zhenke Wu, Jennifer Miner, Angela Lyden, Christopher Graves, Angelle Sander, Jitao Wang, Srijan Sen (2021) ► JMIR: Research Protocol. [paper link]

46. The Mobile Assistance for Regulating Smoking (MARS) Micro-Randomized Trial Design Protocol. Inbal Nahum-Shani, Lindsay Potter, Cho Lam, Jamie Yap, Alexander Moreno, Rebecca Stoffel, Zhenke Wu, Neng Wan, Walter Dempsey, Santosh Kumar, Emre Ertin, Susan Murphy, Jim Rehg, David Wetter (2021) ► Contemporary Clinical Trials [paper link]

47. A Hierarchical Integrative Group LASSO (HiGLASSO) Framework for Analyzing Environmental Mixtures. Jonathan Boss, Yin-Hsiu Chen, Naveen N. Narisetty, Zhenke Wu, Kelly K. Ferguson, Thomas F. McElrath, John D. Meeker, Bhramar Mukherjee (2021) ► Environmetrics [paper link]

48. Clinical and Sociodemographic Factors Associated with Anticoagulant Use for Cancer Associated Thrombosis.. Jordan Schaefer, Mengbing Li, Zhenke Wu, Tanima Basu, Geoffrey Barnes, Marc Carrier, Jennifer Griggs, Suman Sood (2020) ► Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis [paper link] [doi]

49. Probabilistic Cause-of-disease Assignment using Case-control Diagnostic Tests: A Hierarchcial Bayesian Latent Variable Regression Approach. Zhenke Wu, Irena Chen (2020) ► Statistics in Medicine [paper link] [code] [doi] [supplement] [slides]

50. Using a Bayesian Approach to Predict Patients’ Health and Response to Treatment. Scott Zeger, Zhenke Wu, Yates Coley, Anthony Todd Fojo, Bal Carter, Katherine O'Brien, Peter Zandi, Mary Cooke, Vince Carey, Ciprian Crainiceanu, John Muscelli, Adrian Gherman, Jason Mekosh (2020) ► Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) [doi]

51. Anticoagulant Medication Adherence for Cancer Associated Thrombosis: A Comparison of LMWH to DOACs. Jordan K. Schaefer, Mengbing Li, Zhenke Wu, Tanima Basu, Michael P. Dorsch, PharmD, Geoffrey D. Barnes, Marc Carrier, Jennifer J. Griggs, Suman L. Sood (2020) ► Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis [paper link] [doi]

52. A Robust Functional EM Algorithm for Incomplete Panel Count Data. Alexander Moreno, Zhenke Wu, David Wetter, Cho Lam, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Walter Dempsey, James Rehg (2020) ► NeurIPS2020 [paper link] [supplement]

53. A Bayesian Approach to Restricted Latent Class Models for Scientifically-Structured Clustering of Multivariate Binary Outcomes. Zhenke Wu, Livia Casciola-Rosen, Antony Rosen, Scott Zeger (2020) ► Biometrics [paper link] [code] [doi] [pdf] [supplement] [slides]

54. Modern Senicide in the Face of a Pandemic: An Examination of Public Discourse and Sentiment about Older Adults and COVID-19 Using Machine Learning.. Xiaoling Xiang, Xuan Lu, Alex Halavanau, Jia Xue, Yihang Sun, Patrick Lai, Zhenke Wu (2020) ► Journals of Gerontology: Series B [pdf] [supplement]

55. Characterization of clinical progression of COVID-19 patients in Shenzhen, China. Qifang Bi, Chengcheng Hong, Juan Meng, Zhenke Wu, Pengzheng Zhou, Chenfei Ye, Binbin Sun, Lauren Kucirka, Andrew S Azman, Tong Wang, Jiancong Chen, Zhaoqin Wang, Lei Liu, Justin Lessler, Jessie Edwards, Ting Ma, Guoliang Zhang (2020) ► medRxiv [paper link]

56. Bayesian Weakly-Supervised Restricted Latent Class Models. Zhenke Wu, Ami Shah, Livia Casciola-Rosen (2020) ► [code]

57. Assessing Real-Time Moderation for Developing Adaptive Mobile Health Interventions for Medical Interns - A Micro-randomized Trial. Timothy NeCamp, Srijan Sen, Elena Frank, Maureen Walton, Edward Ionides, Yu Fang, Ambuj Tewari, Zhenke Wu, (2020) ► Journal of Medical Internet Research [doi] [supplement]

58. Computational Analysis of Continuous Body Temperature Provides Early Discrimination of Graft-versus-Host Disease in Mice. Kuang He, Zhenke Wu, Hideaki Fujiwara, Steven Whitesall, Cynthia K Zajac, Sung Won Choi, Pavan Reddy, Muneesh Tewari (2019) ► Blood Advances. [paper link] [doi]

59. Micro-Randomized Trial. Gongjun Xu, Zhenke Wu, Susan A. Murphy (2018) ► Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online [paper link] [doi]

60. Association of Polygenic Risk Scores for Multiple Cancers in a Phenome-wide Study Results from The Michigan Genomics Initiative. Lars G. Fritsche, Stephen B. Gruber, Zhenke Wu, Ellen M. Schmidt, Matthew Zawistowski, Stephanie E. Moser, Victoria M. Blanc, Chad M. Brummett, Sachin Kheterpal, Gonçalo R. Abecasis, Bhramar Mukherjee (2018) ► American Journal of Human Genetics [paper link] [doi]

61. Bayesian Estimation of Pneumonia Etiology: Epidemiologic Considerations and Applications to the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health Study. Maria Deloria-Knoll, Wei Fu, Qiyuan Shi, Christine Prosperi, Zhenke Wu, Laura Hammitt, Daniel R. Feikin, Henry C. Baggett, Stephen R.C. Howie, J. Anthony G. Scott, David R. Murdoch, Shabir A. Madhi, Donald M. Thea, W. Abdullah Brooks, Karen L. Kotloff, Mengying Li, Daniel E. Park, Wenyi Lin, Orin S. Levine, Katherine O’Brien, Scott Zeger (2017) ► Clinical Infectious Diseases [paper link] [doi]

62. Estimating AutoAntibody Signatures to Detect Autoimmune Disease Patient Subsets. Zhenke Wu, Livia Casciola-Rosen, Ami A. Shah, Antony Rosen, Scott Zeger (2017) ► Biostatistics [paper link] [code] [doi] [pdf] [supplement] [slides]

63. Prediction of overall survival for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer; development of a prognostic model through a crowdsourced challenge with open clinical data. Guinney J et al., Zhenke Wu, as part of Bmore Dream Team in Prostate Cancer Challenge DREAM Community (2017) ► The Lancet Oncology [doi]

64. Predicting Survival Time for Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer; An Iterative Imputation Approach. Detian Deng, Yu Du, Zhicheng Ji, Karthik Rao, Zhenke Wu, Yuxin Zhu, R. Yates Coley (2016) ► F1000Research [doi]

65. Nested Partially-Latent Class Models for Dependent Binary Data; Estimating Disease Etiology. Zhenke Wu, Maria Deloria-Knoll, Scott Zeger (2016) ► Biostatistics. [code] [doi] [pdf] [supplement] [slides]

66. Rejoinder to "Deductive Derivation and Turing-Computerization of Semiparametric Efficient Estimation". Constantine Frangakis, Tianchen Qian, Zhenke Wu, Ivan Diaz (2015) ► Biometrics [code] [doi] [pdf] [slides]

67. Deductive Derivation and Turing-Computerization of Semiparametric Efficient Estimation. Constantine Frangakis, Tianchen Qian, Zhenke Wu, Ivan Diaz (2015) ► Biometrics [code] [doi] [pdf] [supplement] [slides]

68. Partially Latent Class Models for Case–Control Studies of Childhood Pneumonia Aetiology. Zhenke Wu, Maria Deloria-Knoll, Laura Hammitt, Scott Zeger, for the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health Core Team (2015) ► Journal of Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) [code] [pdf]

69. Estimation of Treatment Effects in Matched-Pair Cluster Randomized Trials by Calibrating Covariate Imbalance between Clusters. Zhenke Wu, Constantine Frangakis, Thomas Louis, Daniel Scharfstein (2014) ► Biometrics [code] [doi] [pdf] [slides]

70. Lack of Response after Initial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Does It Predict Failure of Subsequent Treatment?. Christos Georgiades, Jean-François Geschwind, Neil Harrison, Andrew Hines-Peralta, Eleni Liapi, Kelvin Hong, Zhenke Wu, Ihab Kamel, Constantine Frangakis (2012) ► Radiology [doi]


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