Irena Chen

PhD (Biostat), 2023

University of Michigan

First position after graduation

Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute, Germany


Joint Modeling Methods for Individual-level Variances as Predictors of Health Outcomes. Co-Chair with Michael Elliott


2018-2023, Ph.D. in Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2012-16, Bachelor of Science, Economics; Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics. University of Washington, Seattle


Papers (selected)

1. Variance as a predictor of health outcomes:using subject-level trajectories and variability of sex hormones to predict body fat changes in peri- and post-menopausal women (2023). Irena Chen, Zhenke Wu, Sioban D Harlow, Carrie A Karvonen-Gutierrez, Michelle M Hood, Michael R Elliott (2023). ► Annals of Applied Statistics (Accepted). [paper link] [pdf] [supplement]

2. Tree-informed Bayesian multi-source domain adaptation: cross-population probabilistic cause-of-death assignment using verbal autopsy (2023). Zhenke Wu, Zehang Li, Irena Chen, Mengbing Li. ► Biostatistics. [paper link] [code] [supplement] [slides]

3. Etiology of acute lower respiratory illness hospitalizations among infants in four countries (2023). John Kubale*, Stephanie Kujawski*, Irena Chen, Zhenke Wu, Ilham Abu Khader, Iris Hasibra, Brett Whitaker, Lionel Gresh, Artan Simaku, Eric A.F. Simões, Mahmoud Al-Gazo, Shannon Rogers, Susan I. Gerber, Angel Balmaseda, Veronica L. Tallo, Tareq M. Al-Sanouri, Rachael Porter, Silvia Bino, Eduardo Azziz-Baumgartner, Meredith McMorrow, Danielle Hunt, Mark Thompson, Holly M. Biggs, Aubree Gordon (2023). ► Open Forum Infectious Diseases. [doi]

4. Bayesian Nested Latent Class Models for Cause-of-Death Assignment using Verbal Autopsies Across Multiple Domains (2023). Richard Zehang Li, Zhenke Wu, Irena Chen, Samuel Clark (2023). ► Annals of Applied Statistics. [paper link] [code]

5. A joint modeling approach to study the association between subject-level longitudinal marker variabilities and repeated outcomes (2023+). Irena Chen, Zhenke Wu, Sioban D Harlow, Carrie A Karvonen-Gutierrez, Michelle M Hood, Michael R Elliott (2023+). ► Submitted. [pdf]

6. baker: An R package for Nested Partially-Latent Class Models (2023+). Irena Chen, Qiyuan Shi, Scott Zeger, Zhenke Wu. ► Submitted. [paper link] [code] [pdf]

7. Probabilistic Cause-of-disease Assignment using Case-control Diagnostic Tests: A Hierarchcial Bayesian Latent Variable Regression Approach (2020). Zhenke Wu, Irena Chen. ► Statistics in Medicine [paper link] [code] [doi] [supplement] [slides]