Statistical Learning Reading Groups
- This reading groups cover statistical learning methods in Bayesian computing, vision/imaging analysis, tensor methods and causal inference.
- Jian Kang (Biostatistics)
- Hui Jiang (Biostatistics)
Zhenke Wu (Biostatistics)
- Email List:
- Time: Tuesdays 4-5pm (January 15th to April 23rd, 2019)
- Location: M4117 SPH-II
- [01/04/2019] Please sign-up for paper(s) and date(s) to present.
Collaborative Scheduling
- Please sign up here
- Reading group tips for presenters and listeners (courtesy Lester Mackey, Percy Liang and their groups + Causal Inference Reading Group at Berkeley)
- Because this page is hosted on github, feel free to link to extra resources by pull requests.