We are recruiting motivated and hard-working people interested in Bayesian methods and computation, graphical models, sequential decision making, reinforcement learning and large-scale health data analytics.
I am extremely fortunate to have worked with many excellent graduate students at UM. Under an apprenticeship model, I have been working closely with my students to gain practical research experience, which when combined with individual students’ particular strengths led to mutually rewarding collaborations and research results. My goal in mentoring is to train students who will be highly sought-after in areas of their interests upon graduation.
I very much look forward to meeting you! Let’s do the following to streamline the process.
For potential trainees and student visitors, please consider providing relevant information via Google Form here.
Please send an email if none of the following applies to you!
If you are an UMich gradudate student interested in doing research, such as doctoral/master theses, independent studies/readings, journal clubs, and lab meetings, send me an email with a brief description of interests, CV, transcript, and a link to your homepage (if you have one). We will find a time to meet. You are also welcome to sign up for office hours.
If you are an UMich undergraduate student interested in research, please start by doing an independent study with me to find out if there is a good match. Please send me an email with a brief description of interests, CV, and transcript. We will find a time to meet. You are also welcome to sign up for office hours.
If you are an UMich student with other questions such as outreach activities, graduate school application, or asking for a reference letter, please send an email or sign up to come to office hours.
If you are interested in doing a postdoc, please send me an email with a brief description of interests, CV, names of references, and a link to your homepage (if you have one). This applies to current senior UMich graduate students in relevant disciplines who expect to graduate soon.
If you are applying to study at the UMich, there is no need to email me, please (1) apply to the UMich Biostat PhD/MS program, (2) mention my name in the application. I look forward to meeting you once you are admitted. If you are interested in developing graduate student fellowship application (e.g., NSF Graduate Student Fellowship), please send me an email with a brief description of interests, CV, and transcript. We will find a time to meet. You are also welcome to sign up for office hours.
If you are interested in a temporary research position, this is available at a non-regular basis and depends on projects and funding. Because of may such requests, unfortunately we are not able to respond to all such inquiries.
If you are interested in other collaborations, please send me an email.