- Belief propagation (Pearl 1988; Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter, 1988, JRSS-B)
- Computes the exact marginal probability for each node in a factor graph that has a tree structure
- Reduced computational complexity. For example, in a chain graph with \(d\) discrete variables (\(k\) states), from exponential (\(\mathcal{O}(k^d)\)) to linear in the number of nodes and quardratic in the number of states (\(\mathcal{O}(dk^2)\), why?)
- No reduction in computational complexity of exact inference if the graph is fully connected: we are forced to work with the full joint distribution
- Share computations efficiently when many marginal probabilities are required (example on whiteboard)
- In belief propagation for finding the marginal probability at every node, a message is a re-usable partial sum for the marginalization calculations.